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Essential Business Sub

Essential Business Skills


Building Capability of Your Team & Achieving Team's Goals 


Competencies | Teamwork, Goal Setting, Motivation, Collaboration, Communication 

Participants | Team Leaders & Above

Location | Kuala Lumpur | Dubai

Dates | 4-8 Feb (Conf) | 18-22 Feb 2018 (Conf)


This program is designed to provide practical learning on how to create a team atmosphere that promotes a high degree of efficiency and collaborative work to achieve goals successfully. 

Anchor Building Capability of Your Team & Achieving Team's Goals

Owning Your Decisions & Proactive Problem Solving


Competencies | “Big picture” Perspective, Accountability, Owning Your Decisions, Problem Solving, Demonstrating Optimism

Participants | All Levels

Location | TBC
Dates | 2018 (TBC)


This program is designed to support the professional growth of participants and maximize their potential for success by honing their knowledge and skills in key areas relevant to owning your decisions and proactive problem solving at work.

Owning Your Decisions Sub

“ One of the most beneficial programs and I have enjoyed every day.”


Ms. Zahraa Al-Tabtabae

Chief Accountant, Financial Payment, Kuwait Gulf Oil Company

“I have learned that change is the MUST in an organization and change leads to innovation as well and initiatives.”


Mr. Mohammed Boowiyan

Eng Sr Asset Reliability, Q.A., Kuwait National Petroleum Company

Enhancing Job Efficiency and Creative Problem Solving

Competencies | Teamwork, Engagement, Communication, Leadership, Conflict Management 
Participants | All Levels

Location | TBC
Dates | 2018 (TBC)

The program is designed to provide insight on enhancing team performance by building up essential skills and efficiently working together.

Enhancing Job Efficiency Sub

“The program was a very interesting, educational and useful course. I enjoyed tremendously and all the instructors were simply excellent.”


Ms. Zainab Mohammed

Senior Officer, Purchasing & Administration

Kuwait Foreign Petroleum Exploration Company (KUFPEC)

Effective Teamwork for Successful Project Management 


Competencies | Collaboration, Teamwork, Communication, Leadership, Project Management

Participants | Team Leaders & Above

Location | TBC

Dates | 2018 (TBC)


The program is designed to help participants advance in project management by applying successful practices of leadership, teamwork, and communication.

Effective Teamwork for Successful Project Management 

“This program was a great opportunity for me to network and learn about Korean strategy and human capital development.”


Dr. Salah Al-Eissa

Global Learning Manager

Saudi Basic Industries Corporation (SABIC)

Taking Initiatives & Self-Discipline 


Competencies | Taking Initiatives, Innovation, Teamwork, Effective Planning, Self-Discipline, Motivation
Participants | Team Leaders & Above

Location | TBC

Dates | TBC

The program is designed to provide knowledge on how to elevate yourself to be an exceptional leader by practicing self-discipline and taking initiatives to go above & beyond the given tasks. 

Taking Initiatives & Self-Discipline Sub

Developing & Managing a High Performing Team

Competencies | Driving High Performance, Teamwork, Communication, Motivation, Engaging Stakeholders

Participants | Team Leaders & Above
Location | TBC​
Dates | 2018 (TBC)

This program is designed to enhance capability for achieving strong results by building essential skills in developing and managing a high-performing team.

Developing & Managing Sub

“One of the things that were really impressive about this course is having someone lead so powerfully with strong messages yet being so humble and allowing everyone to interact.”


Ms. Shayma Amin

Senior International Business, Analyst Business Development,

Kuwait Foreign Petroleum Exploration Company

“We had a unique experience about innovation throughout the course... We also learned the importance of speed as well as innovation and creation of new ideas.”


Mr. Hasan Husain

Team Leader Public Relations & Services,

Kuwait Foreign Petroleum Exploration Company

Taking Ownership & Adding Value 


Competencies | Integrated Value Management, Ownership, Communication, Initiative, Teamwork 
Participants | All Levels

Location | TBC
Dates | TBC


This program is designed to provide understanding on how to create & add integrated value by taking ownership and showing initiative over one's work

Taking Ownership & Adding value

“What is unique about this course is that it is not a one man show. It is teamwork, it is a group and it is also facilitating to help everyone express themselves.”


Mr. Saad Al Ahmad

Managerial Coordinator, Ministry of Youth

Effective Teamwork & Achieving Your Goals 


Competencies | Teamwork, Goal Setting, Motivation, Productivity, Time Management
Participants | Team Leaders & Above

Location | TBC

Dates | 2018 (TBC)


The program focuses on core competencies that help achieve goals by effectively managing time and other constraints at work with one's team. 

Effective Teamwork & Achieving your Goals

“I learned that it is very important knowing what kind of bad habits I have and getting rid of those habits. I also learned that everything is possible as long as I have the will power to try my best to achieve whatever it is I want.”


Mr. Awadh Theyab Mohammad Aswad Haji

Team Leader Products & Sales Accounts,

Kuwait National Petroleum Company

Enhancing Planning Capabilities

Competencies | Planning, Coping with Change, SMART Goal Setting
Participants | Senior Planners

Location | TBC

Dates | 2018 (TBC)

This program is designed for senior planners to enhance their planning and goal setting skills by engaging them in relevant lectures, group exercises, role plays, and visits to leading Korean companies to learn about best practices. 

“The courses were amazing, everyone was great.

Ms. Juman AlSager

Ministry of State for Youth Affairs

Enhancing Planning Capabilities

Effective Team Management for Innovation


Competencies | Teamwork, Time Management, Innovation, Planning, Team Work
Participants | All Levels

Location | TBC

Dates | 2018 (TBC)


The program is designed to enhance innovation by providing insight on how to manage team effectively and instilling lessons on teamwork and time management.

Effective Team Management for Innovation Sub

“Loved the exercises. Very interactive. Very entertaining.”


Ms. Sara Taha

Coordinator, Corporate Communications,

NBK Capital

Enhancing Teamwork & Supporting Diversity 


Competencies | Teamwork, Supporting Diversity, Communication, Leadership, Conflict Management 
Participants | Team Leaders & Above

Location | TBC
Dates | 2018 (TBC)


The program is designed to provide insight on enhancing team performance and supporting diversity by building up essential skills and efficiently working together in a global workplace.



Enhancing Teamwork & Supporting Diversity

“We learned a lot of lessons that I will take back to my country from these robust and open-minded people, and try to apply as much as we can towards the sustainable developmental economy.”


Ms. Nayla Al Neama

Environmental Researcher, ExxonMobile Research Qatar
(EMRQ), Qatar

Effective Goal Setting & Leading Change

Competencies | Goal Setting, Leading Change, Teamwork, Motivation, Achieving Targets
Participants | All Levels

Location | TBC

Dates | 2018 (TBC)

This program is designed to provide insight on leading change and achieving exceptional results by building up soft skills in areas relevant to goal setting.

“I saw things that were really organized even to the small details... The program is very beneficial and it will definitely help you out at work.”

Mr. Bader Al Jazzaf

Senior Engineer Asset Reliability, Alzour Refinery Owner
Kuwait National Petroleum Company (KNPC), Kuwait

Effective Goal Setting & Leading Change

Effective Communication & Drive to Achieve 


Competencies | Communication, Innovation, Drive to Achieve, Teamwork, Goal Setting, Motivation
Participants | Team Leaders & Above

Location | TBC

Dates | 2018 (TBC)


The program is designed to help you fine tune your communication style through hands-on exercises and interactive lectures which is the key to unified workspace success.

Effective Communication & Drive to Achieve

“I want to introduce a monthly or bi-monthly evaluation so instead of waiting 6 months to enhance something, you can enhance it all throughout the year.”


Mr. Ahmad Boland

Data Platform Team Leader, Integrated Networks Operation Division,
Zain, Kuwait

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